A Little About Me I've been writing software for over 25 years now in a variety of languages. My experience runs the gamut but is mostly rooted in UNIX-based platforms. More recently, I've taken up implementing websites using modern CMS systems such as WordPress and Drupal. I write plugins, style extensively with CSS, and fix bugs. My personal interests include photography, competitive swimming, agility training, and of course -- my dog!

For Hire My skill set is strong and I'm always looking for a new challenge. I love to solve problems and am often called in to get projects back on track. Contact me and let's talk!
05.23.11 The bond between man and dog goes back millenia. We find companionship, friendship and more when we open our hearts to dogs. The story in the video is about a bond between a soldier in Afghanistan and 3 homeless dogs. The bond between them was so strong that these dogs risked their lives to save that of 50 soldiers. Definitely a story to be shared and perhaps warm your heart if even just for a moment.
. . . → Read More: Happy Monday!
05.16.11 I stumbled upon the most amazing website. Nick Risinger of Seattle has stitched together some 37,000 photos of the night sky to create an interactive, 360 degree panorama of the night sky. In this modern age where people feel the need to have lights on at night, there are few places where one can truly enjoy the night sky. In Nick’s quest to find dark sky to photograph, he traveled over 60,000 miles across the Western United States and South Africa.
You can find the interactive, zoomable map at http://media.skysurvey.org/interactive360/index.html and a nice article about Nick’s adventure on the Wired Magazine website.
05.09.11 I so love this following video. I remember growing up, I swore that I’d never be like my mom and yet…. here I am with kids of my own and guess what???? Yes I say and do those same things my mother did when I was growing up. I guess that’s what it means to be a mom. We love our children so much that we want them to learn to love and respect themselves and those around them. Thank you mom.
. . . → Read More: Happy Monday …. and Happy (belated) Mother’s Day!
05.02.11 So I’m sure many of you have already seen this video but I just couldn’t help myself. Who can’t resist a laughing baby? Certainly not me!
. . . → Read More: Happy Monday!
04.27.11 There are many quotes I come across that are just worth keeping. You know what I mean – the inspirational, the thought-provoking, and the “worth repeating”. Sometimes these quotes come from the unexpected like my 6 year old and other times the statements come from someone you’d expect to have that sort of wisdom.
. . . → Read More: Quotes Worth Remembering…
04.25.11 So another Monday and another happy thought to post. This is a cool video. While this won’t move you to tears or extreme smiles as the previous videos have done, I would say that this definitely brings contentment. I could just sit and stare all day long :-)
. . . → Read More: Happy Monday!
04.25.11 I just received my Canon EF-S 10-22mm f/3.5-4.5 USM SLR Lens and I must say I’m VERY impressed. I knew from my research that this lens would allow me to take wide shots with clarity but I had no idea just how wide this would go. I’ll post some test shots later but suffice to say that I was only a few feet from the back of my house and could capture the entire width of the house in one shot. Look out mountains, here I come!
. . . → Read More: Really WIDE!
04.20.11 For Christmas, Santa brought my daughter a Kindle 3G +Wi-Fi. It’s a wonderful e-reader that has suited her needs (and mine as well) better than a tablet or similar product could. The only drawback has been that she can’t checkout any eBooks from the local library. Well hold onto your hats — Amazon has announced a partnership with Overdrive that will produce Kindle support for library lending later this year. Woohoo!
. . . → Read More: Kindle + Library Lending = LOVE!
04.18.11 Don’t you just love when a group of people band together to come with creative solutions to solve a problem? Warner, Alberta was disappearing until an idea was born.
. . . → Read More: Happy Monday!
04.11.11 This question really relates to privacy. Those who harvest and sell email addresses know that if they can confirm there is a “live body” on the other end of an email address, those email addresses are more valuable. Now we all know to never open an attachment when we don’t know the sender or are suspicious of the message. Seems like that should keep you safe, right? WRONG! Just this past weekend I came to discover that while some of the techniques I employ will generally safeguard my privacy, there were still more tricks being deployed in the wild that leave me vulnerable.
. . . → Read More: How Much Does Your Mail Package Reveal About You?