A Little About Me

I've been writing software for over 25 years now in a variety of languages. My experience runs the gamut but is mostly rooted in UNIX-based platforms. More recently, I've taken up implementing websites using modern CMS systems such as WordPress and Drupal. I write plugins, style extensively with CSS, and fix bugs. My personal interests include photography, competitive swimming, agility training, and of course -- my dog!

My dog

For Hire

My skill set is strong and I'm always looking for a new challenge. I love to solve problems and am often called in to get projects back on track. Contact me and let's talk!

Really WIDE!

I just received my [amazon_link id=”B0002Y5WXE” target=”_blank” container=”” container_class=”” ]Canon EF-S 10-22mm f/3.5-4.5 USM SLR Lens[/amazon_link] and I must say I’m VERY impressed. I knew from my research that this lens would allow me to take wide shots with clarity but I had no idea just how wide this would go. I’ll post some test shots later but suffice to say that I was only a few feet from the back of my house and could capture the entire width of the house in one shot. Look out mountains, here I come!

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