A Little About Me I've been writing software for over 25 years now in a variety of languages. My experience runs the gamut but is mostly rooted in UNIX-based platforms. More recently, I've taken up implementing websites using modern CMS systems such as WordPress and Drupal. I write plugins, style extensively with CSS, and fix bugs. My personal interests include photography, competitive swimming, agility training, and of course -- my dog!

For Hire My skill set is strong and I'm always looking for a new challenge. I love to solve problems and am often called in to get projects back on track. Contact me and let's talk!
06.21.14 I’m not one to jump every time there is a new update to Drupal core. Since all of my sites are locked down to a certain extent, I like to see the history list to see if the update will provide benefit to the website. Working production sites can easily be taken down with a single, seemingly innocuous update to core or even key modules. My motto is always “buyer beware”.
. . . → Read More: Simple Drupal Upgrade == Lots of Pain
05.11.14 I’m often amazed at my friends who get new phones so often. It seems like such a waste of time and money to be constantly changing. Now that I’m into hour 3 of trying to get my Samsung Galaxy S3 to connect to a PC to back it up, I’m now thinking that they are on to something.
. . . → Read More: My Love Hate Relationship with a Phone
04.17.14 I just had to check my calendar to just to make sure that we’ve moved past 1999 and are in fact in the 21st century. Why? Because I went looking for online training and the one of the top websites would only allow me to send off for a brochure. Villanova University — seriously their online training website requires me to give address information so that they can send me a free brochure. This line of thinking takes me back to those short voice-over ads on late night TV where you could “call now for your free brochure”. Hello? It’s 2014 calling!
06.20.13 This is a topic that is near and dear to my heart — swimming rules. As a master official, I am constantly reading up on interpretations of the (murky) Fina rules and also following any possible new rule changes. There is a possible change afoot that I consider damaging to the sport and it relates to where butterfly kicks may be inserted during the breaststroke.
. . . → Read More: Breaststroke Rule Changes (AKA What were they thinking?!?!?!)
04.09.13 If you’re a big Pete Seeger fan, you’ll recognize the title at least a little bit. Some of you may wonder why there is no way to comment on my posts. It’s as simple as – SPAM! From my logs, I know that I have viewers (yay! thank you :-D ) unfortunately there are way too many people worldwide who choose to spam my site along with millions of others for a mere $5 / 1000 sites. The shear numbers of spam messages I’ve been receiving make it difficult to sift through and find the good. That’s why no comments — there just isn’t enough of “me” to go around to keep the cruft off this site. If you want to chat with me about any of my posts, feel free to fill out the contact form. I’m here with coffee cup in hand ready to get sidetracked from my daily job.
04.09.13 Somehow I lost track of updating this blog. I’m not so sure it’s loss of interest as it was lack of time. Over the ensuing nearly 2 years, our lives have changed dramatically. The long and the short – I am now an age group coach with certifications along with being a master official (level 5 referee) and Anna has changed clubs again to be back with her old teammates.
. . . → Read More: And Quite a Few Meets Inbetween
04.09.13 With a move of servers, it was time to also consider upgrading WordPress & the themes I use. When this site and it’s sister site (silentadmin.gsans.com) were created, I had to do a few customizations in the underlying code beyond CSS styling to get the site to behave the way I expected. It was a painful installation and something I chose not to document in the hopes that over time I could “lose” those customizations.
. . . → Read More: Upgrading WordPress
06.14.11 You’d think that we all know a dog’s wisdom particularly as it relates to life. You know the routine — eat, drink, sleep, relieve and repeat. There seems to be more though when it comes to these highly intelligent creatures. There truly is a lot to learn from a dog. The problem I’m having is putting that wisdom into words and if you know me, I’m rarely at a loss for words.
. . . → Read More: Dev’s Take on Life
06.13.11 Now that Anna has changed swim clubs, it was time to get back into racing mode. We left for Edmonton not sure of what the results would be but sure that her decision had been right for her. Changing swim clubs means a lot has happened that a child must take in — new coach, new pool, new swim friends and more. These changes are compounded by the fact that Anna swam nearly 5 years with AMAC and the decision to change clubs was her’s alone to make. As a parent I supported my child but not with opinion but merely backing of whatever she decided on.
. . . → Read More: Just Back from a Swim Meet
05.30.11 While Dev does not approve of this video, I happen to find it quite humorous. This would be the ultimate tease for any dog!