I do have a lot more to say on this subject but in the interest of getting up a post for this category, I start off with some links to resources:
Digital Grin — professional and amateur photographers get together and share on this forum. From the guys who brought you SmugMug
SmugMug — professional photo hosting website. My chosen host site due to features available here not found in other online sharing sites such as Flickr!
5Min Videos — prefer to learn via video? Then look to the “5 minute Photography” website.
Rocky Mountain School of Photography — prefer classes for instruction? Several of my friends swear by this school. I hope to take classes soon.
Digital Photography Reviews — the best place to start when looking for reviews on new gear.
Canada Digital Photo Lab Profiles — from Dry Creek Photo. You can find information on the equipment used at various photo finishers around the country. In many cases you can find the proper profile to download for use in calibrating your monitor and getting the result you want from the printer.