I started this post several months ago with the intention of it being a cathartic rant. Now I find that I can barely remember the specifics of why I was so mad but just the mention of airline flight is enough to send me into an apoplectic fit.
UPDATE: I feel the need to complete this post. After a recent trip, I remember why the thought of driving for 4 straight 12 hour days was more appealing than the 15 hours of airline torture I’ve had to endure. I will give props to the gate agents as they are dealing with incredible stress every day. Without the good humor and kind hearts, this rant would be filled with quite a few unprintables.
The problem with modern air travel is that airlines have found ways to divert any frustration away from their business decisions and pitted traveler against traveler. While reclining seats have been an issue for so many years, the latest of charging for luggage, no entertainment, and meagre seat space has made for extremely
. . . → Read More: Attention Airlines — I think I’ll just drive