A Little About Me I've been writing software for over 25 years now in a variety of languages. My experience runs the gamut but is mostly rooted in UNIX-based platforms. More recently, I've taken up implementing websites using modern CMS systems such as WordPress and Drupal. I write plugins, style extensively with CSS, and fix bugs. My personal interests include photography, competitive swimming, agility training, and of course -- my dog!

For Hire My skill set is strong and I'm always looking for a new challenge. I love to solve problems and am often called in to get projects back on track. Contact me and let's talk!
03.31.11 I attended a hastily called parents meeting at my daughter’s school last night. Anna is in a program geared towards those with high academic abilities / high achievement desires. Now that we’re hitting the pre-teen and teenage years, it was important to find a classroom setting that would provide challenges academically as well as the acceptance of being a “keener”. Anna has been in this program for 7th grade and loves it. She is more engaged than ever before and her peers are equally challenged and engaged in the classroom. Sounds great, right? Well last night, to my dismay, I learn that the school has chosen to dismantle this highly successful program.
. . . → Read More: A Disheartening Note On Change in the Name of “Education”
03.29.11 I know there have been quite a few reviews on the debate of Drupal versus WordPress but I feel I’ve got to put in my 2 cents worth. For those who are looking for a clear cut answer one way or the other, you might want to keep looking as you won’t find that answer here. What you will find are my thoughts on each and experiences with both platforms. You’ll also find out why I continue to use both but make a decision founded in what the expectations for the website.
. . . → Read More: Drupal vs. WordPress
03.27.11 I do have a lot more to say on this subject but in the interest of getting up a post for this category, I start off with some links to great resources.
. . . → Read More: A Few Photography Related Links
03.27.11 GoSwim TV has some excellent training tip videos that are definitely worth watching. I’m encouraging my daughter to watch and perhaps absorb a little. I realize that this is no substitute for a good swim coach but these are times where we have to be resourceful. We’re in that transition phase between swim clubs and unfortunately this came in the middle of the swim season. At this point, any little tip / tidbit that can help her to improve her swimming will go a long way.
. . . → Read More: Swimming Tips in Video
03.27.11 Now that my daughter is doing more swimming training on her own while she decides the next move, we’re having to do research into how best to help her train. The technology over these last several years has improved greatly and there are many tools a swimmer can put in their equipment bag to help get the most out of a practice session.
. . . → Read More: Swim Training Products
To have a title like “The Wisdom of My Dog” means there must have been a dog somewhere, sometime. The smartest dogs I’ve known are my two Australian Shepherds. First was Mike who was definitely a manly man’s dog. Mike chose to live with us for over 10 years but unfortunately suffered from congestive heart failure in the end. My husband wrote a wonderful tribute to him titled “Mike Dunphy Oct 1997 – Nov 19, 2008” Mike’s philosophy on life was simple — eat, sleep and herd deer. But Mike wasn’t that simple either — he was fiercely devoted to his family and showed his emotions willingly. There was a lot to learn from this great guy.
. . . → Read More: My Dog
03.25.11 My oldest daughter just quit the local swim club. Interesting words….. and as I reread them I wonder why I’m moved to post in my blog about this event. But I have to as this is a loss and not just for my daughter but for the entire family as well. Competitive swimming has been a way of life for the Dunphy family for the last 4 1/2 years and I can’t imagine life without the local club. As this event was unfolding (yes it was a very slow train wreck…), I found myself in the throes of denial, anger, sorrow and grief. They say that we grieve the loss of what we loved but I don’t think that tells the whole story. I can say unequivocally that our relationship with the swim club was very much a love / hate relationship.
. . . → Read More: Today I Mourn a Loss